
Our counselling service is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information and the content of our counselling sessions. However, please be aware that there are legal and ethical exceptions to confidentiality, such as situations involving imminent risk of harm to yourself or others, child abuse, or court orders. We will take reasonable steps to protect your information, but absolute security cannot be guaranteed over the internet or other electronic communication channels.


CCMSC may disclose confidential information without the Client's consent if required by law or if there is a reasonable belief that there is a risk of harm to the Client or to others. Such situations may include but are not limited to:

a. Suspected child abuse or neglect.

b. Imminent risk of harm to oneself or others.

c. Court order or legal obligation to disclose information.


By signing this Agreement, the Client acknowledges and gives their consent to engage in online counseling services with CCMCS. The Client agrees to provide accurate and truthful information during the counseling sessions, and to actively participate in the therapeutic process.


The Client agrees to pay CCMCS the agreed-upon fee for the counselling services. Payment shall be made through our online platform. Failure to make payment may result in the suspension or termination of services. We offer 40% discount for students and clients on low income proof maybe required.

Professional Relationship:

The information shared during counselling sessions is intended for therapeutic purposes and to support your personal growth and well-being. It does not constitute legal, medical, financial, or professional advice. Our counsellors are not responsible for any actions or decisions you make based on the information or guidance provided during counselling sessions.

Client Responsibilities:

As a client, you are responsible for being honest, respectful, and actively participating in the counselling process. It is important to provide accurate and complete information during the sign-up process and throughout the counselling sessions.


Counselling is not a substitute for medical treatment, and our counsellors are not licensed medical professionals. If you are experiencing a medical emergency or require immediate medical attention, please contact emergency services or your healthcare provider.


We reserve the right to terminate counselling services if it is determined that the client's needs are beyond the scope of our practice or if there is a violation of our policies.


Please read and understand the above disclaimer before proceeding with the sign-up process. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us for clarification.